351 reviews
Game Changer!
Karenˇ Review provided by ˇ July 16, 2024
I have read quite a few books similar to this one but after reading this, it is by far my favorite! It is simply stated, short and so easy to read. It just spoke to me like no other one I’ve ever read. I will be reading this again and highlighting some of the quotes and most important tips so it can be my go to when I need a reminder of how much overthinking is nothing more then a waste of time that brings nothing but suffering and worry about things that will most likely never even occur. I choose peace joy and love with living in the present and just being. Thank you Joseph Nguyen for this amazing helpful gift you shared!
kathllagas_09ˇ Review provided by ˇ September 18, 2024
I’ve been collecting books for years and mostly of the books I bought are authentic, I just tried to order some printed books online to save money and I never did expect the quality of these printed books, it’s just amazing and the prints are very clear. I’m very with the quality of the books I bought from this shop and I will definitely purchase again. Thank you so much seller! Please maintain the excellent quality of your books :)
ˇ Review provided by ˇ April 11, 2024

Medyo skeptical ako sa mga books dito sa Shopee due to illegal copies, but I buy anyway. Leaf sheets don’t looked copied naman and have this color of usual books. Received items with no damage. Packed securely. Thank you, seller. Thank you, Shopee.
shinobisakuraˇ Review provided by ˇ October 5, 2024
Packed well. As usual, shipping was swift. Received everything in pristine condition. Purchasing books here is always stellar. Got bookmarks too. This is now my go-to online bookshop. Thanks Martin! 🌸📚
Showing results 1–4 of 351