: Scribner, hardback
One of Scientific American and The Times (London)’s Best Books of 2024 From one of the world’s leading climate scientists, a heart- and mind-changing book that offers a hopeful and attainable vision for restoring the atmosphere and ending the climate crisis.Climate change is here. Fossil fuels are making the planet unlivable, and they are deadly. Emissions must be cut, first and foremost. Jackson introduces us to the brilliant leaders and innovators behind some of the boldest and game-changing climate solutions under development. When it comes to greenhouse gas mitigation, our choices matter, because it is easier to stop emissions from happening than to remove greenhouse gases from the air later. But while mitigation is crucial, no number of solar panels, electric cars, and veggie burgers alone will be enough to halt climate change. Into the Clear Blue Sky is a heart- and mind-changing book. The question is how, and how long will it take?