327 reviews
lyhew_99· Review provided by · May 25, 2024
I am only a quarter of the way through this book but I am hooked. Quantum physics has always fascinated me but not always easy to grasp. This book makes it easy to understand this concept. Although this book is much more than that, it makes you revalue your whole thinking patterns. Looking forward to reading the rest of it.
maddy· Review provided by · September 12, 2021
If you want to change your life, this is the book. There are no pep-talks or fancy promises, just a practical (and compassionate) science based handbook which literally teaches you the reasons why real change is so hard, and how you can change yourself for the better. If you've tried positive thinking and willpower and been frustrated with the results, after reading this book you will understand why, and what to do differently. This method works. I'm using it myself to heal my body and change my life, and I am. I'm not the only one. Look up the author on YouTube and you'll find hundreds of testimonials from ordinary people who have healed life-threatening diseases that doctors couldn't help, manifested new jobs, healed old trauma, and so on. Ordinary people just like you and me.
· Review provided by · May 14, 2024

Great book. Discover how to reprogram your biology & thinking.
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Excellent packaging
Brand New and in great condition
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Will order again
Esha· Review provided by · May 17, 2022
This is an absolutely life changing book. It makes all the other books I have read make sense. It provides a scientific basis if books like the secret and others that talk about positive thinking. There is a science to it all. It's not wishy washy. And this book proves the quantum reasoning behind it all. I will be ordering all others by Joe Dispenza. Also it was such a pleasant surprise that the author also wrote and made? "What the bleep do we know" which was recommended by our addiction and counselling teacher at University. Love it.
Showing results 1–4 of 327