Considers S. 600 and related S. 2374, to establish an Office of Federal Administrative Practice to establish a Legal Career Service for Federal lawyers and to prohibit ex parte communications, in order to ensure fairness in the ...
Considers fundamental principles which may serve as guidelines in drafting legislation to improve administrative process and make it more responsive to the public.
Considers S. 1734, to amend the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 to authorize hearing examiners to make final decisions in most regulatory review cases, with only certain important cases being reviewed by the agency.
Considers S. 600 and related S. 2374, to establish an Office of Federal Administrative Practice to establish a Legal Career Service for Federal lawyers and to prohibit ex parte communications, in order to ensure fairness in the ...
Investigates implementation of Military Selective Service Act of 1967, upon which is based the system for drafting males between 18 and 26 years of age, and which allegedly is "unfair, disruptive and unpredictable" and "needs to be reformed ...