inauthor:"International Labour Office. Director-General" from
Summarizes the principal outcome of ILO work in the region. Includes listings of technical cooperation projects and of books, reports, CD-ROMs, videos, and CINTERFOR publications issued.
inauthor:"International Labour Office. Director-General" from
Explores the underlying rationale for the approach adopted by the COOPAfrica, a regional technical programme established by the ILO in October 2007, and highlights innovative features in the process of setting up and implementing phase 1 of ...
inauthor:"International Labour Office. Director-General" from
Presents an overview on ILO activities in Latin America and the Caribbean in each of the four dimensions of the decent work agenda : fundamental principles and rights at work, employment, social protection and social dialogue.
inauthor:"International Labour Office. Director-General" from
Presents the challenges facing the ILO and its constituents in promoting decent work for women and men.
inauthor:"International Labour Office. Director-General" from
Presents an overview on ILO activities in Asia, Pacific and Arab countries, in each of the four dimensions of the decent work agenda : fundamental principles and rights at work, employment, social protection and social dialogue.