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inauthor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on foreign affairs from
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs (1789-1975). 1971 : 423 ] THE PRESIDENT'S WARMAKING ... in author's personal files ) . Another former Secretary of State said : [ W ] e should not clutter up our ...
inauthor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on foreign affairs from
The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session. The Congressional Record began publication in 1873.
inauthor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on foreign affairs from
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. The power of the purse can be utilized by specific ... House Committee on Government Operations endorsed the use of the power of the purse for the purpose of obtaining ...
inauthor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on foreign affairs from
Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress United States. Congress. tively emasculate veterans preference in fed ... Committee held oversight hearings with respect to veterans preference on Oc- tober 4 and 5 , 1977. The tenor of ...
inauthor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on foreign affairs from
... Congress , House of Representatives , Committee on Foreign Affairs , US Security Interests in the Persian Gulf , Washington , 1981 . United States Congress ... United States Arms Policies in the Persian Gulf and Red 294 Bibliography.
inauthor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on foreign affairs from
... Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hu United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign ... in author- izing the use of American military force overseas . I would submit that it is not only our ...
inauthor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on foreign affairs from
Despite growing interest in digital diplomacy, few studies to date have evaluated the extent to which foreign ministries have been able to realize its potential.
inauthor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on foreign affairs from
Tells the story of the growing Chinese Navy - The People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) - and its expanding capabilities, evolving roles and military implications for the USA.