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Michel Wieviorka, sociologist: ‘Jews are the scapegoat par excellence’
EL PAÍS English
For the French thinker, some of whose family died in the Holocaust, anti-Semitism is real. He says that the behavior of the Israeli...
9 months ago
Michel Wieviorka
Michel Wieviorka has been Director of the Centre d'Analyse et d'Intervention Sociologiques (1993-2009), founded by Alain Touraine and President of the...
92 months ago
‘Face-to-face, humans are not good at violence’: Randall Collins in conversation with Michel Wieviorka
The Conversation
Ten years after the publication of two major works about violence, their authors meet to discuss their theories and renew the debate.
77 months ago
Open letter linking Islam to anti-Semitism sparks backlash in France
France 24
An open letter published over the weekend in French daily Le Parisien condemning a “new anti-Semitism” in France has stirred heated debate in the country.
79 months ago
Book Review: Evil by Michel Wieviorka
LSE Blogs
Michel Wieviorka develops a sociological analysis of evil phenomena. His aim is to explain evil, to reveal its social, political, and cultural sources.
146 months ago
Eminent social scientists back ‘threatened’ foundation
University World News
More than 20 eminent international philosophers and social scientists have signed an open letter backing France's Fondation Maison des...
51 months ago
'Alain Touraine was a committed sociologist who never confused analysis with action'
Le Monde.fr
OP-ED. François Dubet and Michel Wieviorka, two sociologists who co-founded the Center for Sociological Analysis and Intervention,...
17 months ago
Michel Wieviorka: "En este momento, el poder está desbordado"
Página | 12
No son las ideas las que faltan, sino las figuras, los líderes y los actores políticos con suficiente legitimidad y credibilidad como para...
55 months ago
Michel Wieviorka, sociólogo francés, experto en islamofobia: “El racismo y el odio están en alza en todas partes”
Aunque en Francia las estadísticas oficiales sobre confesión religiosa están prohibidas, se estima que en ese país viven entre 4 y 6...
59 months ago
Comment le racisme et l’antisémitisme s’alimentent aujourd’hui
The Conversation
L'anti-sémitisme et le racisme ont leurs spécificités mais ils s'enchevêtrent aussi, notamment dans l'histoire récente.
25 months ago