İkiztepe Mound from
... Mound ( Turkey ) Herakleia ( Turkey : Extinct city ) Hierapolis ( Turkey : Extinct city ) Hippodrome of Constantinople ( Istanbul , Turkey ) Höyücek Mound ( Turkey ) Iasos ( Extinct city ) Ikiztepe Site ( Turkey ) Teichiussa ( Extinct ...
İkiztepe Mound from
... Ikiztepe , Mound 1 , Trench D : destroyed burial , Grave 106 Early Bronze Age , late 3rd millennium B.C. Samsun Museum , Turkey 18-2-1978 ( 1 / 75-9 ) , 7-39-1985 ( I / 80-496 ) Quadruple spirals — consisting of four spiral coils ...
İkiztepe Mound from
... İkiztepe site ( Northern Anatolia , Samsun ) is one of the most important archaeological settlements of the EBA ... Mound I is identified to have been used for different purposes from the Early Bronze Age ( EBA ) I until the ...
İkiztepe Mound from
... mound in that region is Ikiztepe , ca. 10 km north - west of Bafra , once probably situated on the Kızılırmak river and on the Black Sea coast . Excavations in Ikiztepe Mound I have revealed occu- 110 The writer of this letter asks for ...
İkiztepe Mound from
... İkiz Tepe / İkiztepe ( Lydia ) 431n , 433 , 450 , 606 İkiztepe ( Lalapaşa ) 222 , 225 , 363 , 662 İlyas Tepe Tumulus ( Pergamon ) 604 , 605 Iğdır Tumulus 616 Ilos ( tomb of , see also Great Mound of Ilus ) 206n , 207 , 374 , 375n , 389 ...
İkiztepe Mound from
... İkiztepe : This is one of the largest sites in all of the northern region ... Mound I ( also called Summit I ) , had thick Middle Bronze Age deposits ... Mound II revealed only EB I - II occupation in the uppermost 1 levels . It ...
İkiztepe Mound from
... mound of Kaledoruğu and Ikiztepe revealed that all settlements were in the form of village and they were formed by small communities.2 The society lived in wooden houses, and engaged in hunting, fishing and animal husbandry. They knew ...
İkiztepe Mound from
... Mound ( Turkey ) Canhasan ( Extinct city ) Carchemish ( Extinct city ) Çatal Mound ( Turkey ) Cayönü Site ( Turkey ) ... Ikiztepe Site ( Turkey ) Ilıpınar Site ( Turkey ) İnandıktepe Site ( Turkey ) Kaman - Kalehöyük Site ( Turkey ) ...
İkiztepe Mound from
... İkiztepe,65 Dündartepe and Tekkeköy,66 none of which, however, have yielded evidence for LBA occupation.67 The socalled transitional layer from Mound I at İkiztepe produced pottery dating to late EBA and early MBA.68 MBA pottery ...
İkiztepe Mound from
... mounds (Toptepe, Ikiztepe, and Aktepe) located near the village of Güre, in the U§ak region of western Turkey, and from at least one other (the Harta-Abidintepe tumulus) located farther west in Kirkag'aç-Manisa. Between 1965 and 1968 ...