İkiztepe "Mound" from
... İkiztepe Mound III First ( I ) Level . Bilgi 1999 , Çiz . 2 / A 1 . Plate 1/2 : Cup - bottom sherd . Dm . 2.4cm , H. 3.2cm , Th . 0.6cm . Light orange paste . Fine vegetal and fine mineral tempered . Slipped in same colour as paste ...
İkiztepe "Mound" from
... İkiztepe . 231 7.4 The north section of the large trench on Mound I of İkiztepe in 2007 . 239 7.5 Traditional timber house from the Black Sea coast of Anatolia ( 1 ) and architectural remains at İkiztepe Mound III , Trench L , Level 4 ...
İkiztepe "Mound" from
... Ikiztepe Mound I Tarsus Arslantepe VID Amuq J Gedikli Cemetery Korucutepe IIIk F Titriş Acemhöyük 8 Norsuntepe Kurban III 8-6 Tilbeş Tepecik Kazane 2150 B.C.E. EBA IIIb Troy III - IV Beycesultan IX - VIII Boğazköy Vc Alacahöyük 6 Alişar ...
İkiztepe "Mound" from
... Ikiztepe Mound III , Early Bronze Age III , level 2 was a triangular building with a gable roof ( Fig . 12 ) . This type of building is still seen in the Central Black Sea region . Terracotta architectural plaques found by M. Özsait19 ...
İkiztepe "Mound" from
... Ikiztepe ( dated from 4250-3200 B.C. ) yielded 4 artifacts which had between 0.69-2.16 % arsenic , while the rest were unalloyed coppers . This changes dramatically at Ikiztepe mound I ( 2800-1900 B.C. ) where the majority of copper ...
İkiztepe "Mound" from
... İkiztepe Mound 1 ( Alkım et al . 1988 ) , Dündartepe and Tekkeköy ( Kökten et al . 1945 ) in Samsun province and Boyabat - Kovuklukaya ( Dönmez 2004 ) in Sinop and other sites in the region share affinities with the ceramic assemblages ...
İkiztepe "Mound" from
... Mound ( Turkey ) Herakleia ( Turkey : Extinct city ) Hierapolis ( Turkey : Extinct city ) Hippodrome of Constantinople ( Istanbul , Turkey ) Höyücek Mound ( Turkey ) Iasos ( Extinct city ) Ikiztepe Site ( Turkey ) Teichiussa ( Extinct ...
İkiztepe "Mound" from
... Ikiztepe , Mound 1 , Trench D : destroyed burial , Grave 106 Early Bronze Age , late 3rd millennium B.C. Samsun Museum , Turkey 18-2-1978 ( 1 / 75-9 ) , 7-39-1985 ( I / 80-496 ) Quadruple spirals — consisting of four spiral coils ...
İkiztepe "Mound" from
... Mound III, though most finds came from the settlement, includ- ing items of bronze, lead, and gold. On Mound I was found an Early Bronze II–III cemetery. Pottery was in the handmade tradition of the era. Ikiztepe provides an unbroken ...
İkiztepe "Mound" from
... İkiztepe was first settled in Late Chalcolithic Age and continued to be inhabited during the Transitional period and the early Hittite period . The highest and largest of the hills , Mound I is identified to have been used for different ...